Archive for February, 2012

Chance to fly to Sywell ruined by bad weather!

Sunday, February 12th, 2012 | Permalink

Had two lessons booked for this weekend, hoping for the best – but planning for the worst, that maybe one would get cancelled (winter has hit the UK late, but hit it has…).

Sure enough on arrival to the club Saturday afternoon, I was promptly told to “Go home…”  followed by “… can stay, have a coffee if you want, but it’s not going to get any better.”   Who am I to argue with that?   I’m far from at a point where I can accurately predict the gods of weather by glancing at the sky.

Just as I was accepting the fact I would be staying firmly on the ground, the admin staff told me there was a slight issue with my Sunday lesson – oh great, now what!

Turned out the club needed to get the Extra 200 over to Sywell (where it is maintained), but to get it there an instructor would have to follow in a Cessna in order to bring the Extra pilot home again…….would I like to go with?   It’s not far away, but it would still have been my first fly away to another aerodrome and the opportunity was there to fly in either the Extra or the Cessna.  Bad luck on the weather was turning into a very good day indeed.

It all hinged on getting the visibility.

……and sadly it was not to be.

I woke up to low clouds, probability of rain and 2km visibility 🙁    It never got much better and at 1:30pm the phone rang to bring the bad news, the trip was off, there was no hope of getting the weather today.

EGSC at 10am on 12th Feb. 2012

EGSC at 10am on 12th Feb. 2012

A massive disappointment, but what can you do……..except book a few more lessons and hope for the best.   Fingers crossed for next weekend then 🙂